5. Change log

5.1. Version 0.8.0.dev1

This version contains all fixes up to version 0.7.x.

Released: not yet

Incompatible changes:


Bug fixes:



Known issues:

5.2. Version 0.7.0

This version contains all fixes up to version 0.6.1.

Released: 2021-04-05

Incompatible changes:

  • The KeyRingLib class has been renamed to Keyring, and its KeyRing… exception classes to Keyring… (issue #50).

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed that the package did not contain the files for the ‘easy-vault’ command. (issue #45)

  • Added missing exception handling to ‘Keyring.set_password()’ and improved exception chaining in ‘Keyring.get_password()’ and ‘Keyring.delete_password()’.

  • Fixed an UnboundLocalError when the temporary file could not be created or written during ‘EasyVault.encrypt()’ / ‘decrypt()’.


  • Increased development status to beta.

  • Added a ‘easy-vault delete-password’ command that deletes the password for a vault file in the keyring service. Added a corresponding ‘Keyring.delete_password()’ method. (issues #33 and #35)

  • Added a ‘easy-vault check-encrypted’ command that checks whether the vault file is encrypted and exits with 1 if that is ot the case. This can be used for example if the vault file is stored in a repository to regularly check whether it is encrypted to ensure it has not been committed by mistake in the decrypted state. (issue #57)

  • Improved error messages when writing vault file during ‘EasyVault.encrypt()’ / ‘decrypt()’.

  • Test: Improved test coverage of Keyring and EasyVault classes.

5.3. Version 0.6.0

Released: 2021-04-02

Incompatible changes:

  • The new optional ‘use_prompting’ parameter of ‘easy_vault.get_password()’ was not added at the end of the parameter list. This is incompatible for users who called the function with positional arguments. (related to issue #20)

  • The ‘–prompt’ option of the ‘easy-vault encrypt’ and ‘easy-vault decrypt’ commands was removed. (related to issue #20)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the issue that an open() call used the ‘encoding’ argument which is not supported on Python 2.7.

  • Fixed issues with files on Windows that have CRLF line endings.


  • In the ‘EasyVault’ class, added more user control for the handling of passwords: The init method now accepts if the password is not provided and in that case is restricted to operate on decrypted vault files. The ‘easy_vault.get_password()’ function got an additional ‘use_prompting’ parameter that can be used to disable the interactive prompting for passwords. (issue #20)

  • In the ‘easy-vault encrypt’ and ‘easy-vault decrypt’ commands, removed the ‘–prompt’ option and added options ‘–set-password’ and ‘–no-keyring’ to better separate the two concerns of setting a new password and disabling the use of the keyring service. (issue #20)

  • Docs: Improved the documentation and command messages in many places.

  • Added a ‘–quiet’ option to the ‘easy-vault encrypt’ and ‘easy-vault decrypt’ commands that silöences the messages except for the password prompt. (issue #12)

  • In the ‘KeyRingLib’ class, added methods ‘is_available()’ and ‘check_available() that return whether the keyring service is available or check that it is available. (issue #34)

  • Added a new ‘easy-vault check-keyring’ command that checks whether the keyring service is available. (issue #36)

  • Test: Improved test coverage. (issue #8)

5.4. Version 0.5.0

Released: 2021-03-29

Initial release.