Source code for easy_vault._password

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Convenience functions for getting and setting the password in the
keyring service.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import getpass
from ._key_ring_lib import KeyRingLib

__all__ = ['get_password', 'set_password']

[docs]def get_password( filepath, use_keyring=True, use_prompting=True, verbose=False, echo=print): """ Get the password for a vault file from the keyring service and if not found there, by interactively prompting for it. The use of the keyring service and the use of password prompting can be individually disabled, but at least one of them must be enabled. Note that the function may still return no password, in case prompting is disabled and the keyring service did not have an item for the vault file stored. This is a convenience function that uses the password methods of the :class:`~easy_vault.KeyRingLib` class. Parameters: filepath (:term:`unicode string`): Path name of the vault file. It will be normalized to identify the keyring item for the vault file. use_keyring (bool): Enable the use of the keyring service for getting the password. use_prompting (bool): Enable the use of password prompting for getting the password. verbose (bool): Print additional messages about where the password comes from. echo (function): Print function to be used for the additional messages in verbose mode. Returns: :term:`unicode string`: Password for the vault file, or `None`. Raises: ValueError: Use of keyring service and use of password prompting were both disabled. :exc:`KeyRingNotAvailable`: No keyring service available. :exc:`KeyRingError`: An error happend in the keyring service. """ password = None if not use_keyring and not use_prompting: raise ValueError("use_keyring and use_prompt were both False") if use_keyring: keyringlib = KeyRingLib() password = keyringlib.get_password(filepath) if password is not None: if verbose: echo("Using password from keyring service") return password if use_prompting: password = getpass.getpass( "Enter password for vault file {fn}:".format(fn=filepath)) return password return None
[docs]def set_password( filepath, password, use_keyring=True, verbose=False, echo=print): """ Set the password for a vault file in the keyring service. For consistency with :func:`get_password`, the use of the keyring service can be disabled, in which case the function does nothing. This is a convenience function that uses the password methods of the :class:`~easy_vault.KeyRingLib` class. Parameters: filepath (:term:`unicode string`): Path name of the vault file. It will be normalized to identify the keyring item for the vault file. password (:term:`unicode string`): Password for the vault file. use_keyring (bool): Enable the use of the keyring service for setting the password. verbose (bool): Print additional messages about changes to the password in the keyring service. echo (function): Print function to be used for the additional messages in verbose mode. Raises: :exc:`KeyRingNotAvailable`: No keyring service available. :exc:`KeyRingError`: An error happend in the keyring service. """ if use_keyring: keyringlib = KeyRingLib() current_password = keyringlib.get_password(filepath) if current_password is None: if verbose: echo("Setting new password in keyring service") keyringlib.set_password(filepath, password) elif password != current_password: if verbose: echo("Updating password in keyring service") keyringlib.set_password(filepath, password)